Jeez, how time flies. It seems like I just did our 6 month update. Steph is doing well, although once someone makes it into their 7th month, things get extremely uncomfortable. She is done wearing maternity clothes, she seems to be growing every day now, and Madelyn is not only kicking, but moving all around her belly. It is such a cool thing to watch and experience. I am getting more nervous about being a dad. My mom has given me books about childhood emergencies and I have bought books about how to be a good dad. I feel I know what to do, but I wanna be the best I can be, so reading this stuff is very helpful right now. Steph and I spend evenings just talking about how we wanna raise Madelyn, what we think she is gonna look like, how we think she is gonna act....This is my most precious time with my wife. I love this part of the day. We spent the weekend registering for our baby registry. It took 6 hours total. Yes, that's a lot of store time. We buy cute outfits when we see them, we bought the paint to do the room. We are going with pink and yellow to match the bedding we got. Our moms graciously bought us Madelyn's bedroom set, and now that we have that and I bought the wood floor, I just have to put everything together. A couple of questions have come up that I could use some advice on. Let me know if you have experienced this, or have any advice...
1. Steph keeps replaying in her mind the part in "Jersey Girl" where Jennifer Lopez is about to give birth and she finds out she has an aneurysm and dies. I tell her it's just a movie, but she gets worried about the pushing part of labor
2. We are looking for daycare right now, but everyone wants to do full-time. With my schedule, I can get done around 12 or 12:30, so I'd like to find a place that could watch Madelyn from 8-12 or so. Anybody know of any place??
3. We are contemplating getting a pregnancy picture of Steph. Kinda like Demi Moore above. I know it may seem weird to people, but we kind of wanna document everything to be able to show our daughter. Has anyone gotten this done? Do you know a good place to go??
That's all for now. I appreciate everyone taking the time to read this and share in our lives a little. Have a beautiful day!!
I pushed for 3 hours, and no aneruisms. Tell her its just normal fears, I had the fear of not knowing when to go to the hospital. It will all work out. As, for the day care, I live in Canton, and my mom babysits (lucky) good luck!! Make sure you do surprise visits when checking them out.
Listner Katrina
Absolutely Steph should have her picture taken ah-natural. I did 2 different shots. The one like Demi and the one like Brittany (pre-train wreck days). They turned out great, and I'm so glad I did it. I actually have them displayed and I get so many compliments on them. You can take the photo yourself. Just have her stand against a plain dark wall or back drop and use your digital camera, that way you can keep taking the picture till it comes out exactly how you want it. I developed mine in Black/white though to really capture the moment.
You should also take a picture of both your hands on her belly. Cropping out everything except the belly and hands. Also develope in Blk/White.
Good luck.
Hi Glenn,
I used to work for the Family Life Child Care Center in Lakewood (across from St. Ed's). If you explain to the coordinator, Becky Volle, your situation, I am sure she could make some arrangements for part-time. We had a couple infants who came to the center on a part time basis. The phone number is 1-216-521-2229. Hope that helps!
I too pushed for 3 hours and had complications on top of that with my first child. But everything turned out wonderful. My second labor/delivery was a breeze. I think part of what made the first time so hard for me was I was terrified! I think every first time mom goes through that before giving birth and during. My doctor was great about answering all of my questions before the big day as I am sure her doctor is and will be in the future. The thing is you have to be aware of all of the complications that can arise but not let them over come you. Also, its so important to have something to concentrate on so that when she feels like she has no more she can find it. AND SOMEHOW YOU ALWAYS DO. When I gave birth the first time I screamed and carried on like a crazy person because I was so scared and utterly exhausted.I didnt concentrate on anything or have any focal point. The second time I remembered all the things that made my first experience so bad and vowed NOT to carry on like that this time.I got a picture of my daughter and had it in the room with me. My hubby held it and when I needed to concentrate and when I needed to re-focus I asked for it and remembered why it was I was going through all this. It was for my new son.So my advise is to ask all questions about complications prior so you are fully aware. Do not let those or other peoples stories of how good or bad it was for them overtake you and your emotions. Everyone is different, every labor is different. Second, perhaps you could take a picture to the room with you...maybe a sonogram picture???? This way when she has nothing left to give as far as pushing and she feels like she is going to freak out show her that picture to remind her of why she is there...why she is going through all of this. So you too can finally see the beautiful baby that wants to come out and meet her mommy and daddy. Sometimes you get so hung up in the pain you forget the most important thing and thats meeting your daughter. If she starts yelling or losing it mentally one of your jobs is to bring her back to the job at hand and thats pushing.
I stay home with my kids so I dont know about the daycare situation but maybe look into hiring a private baby sitter instead of a day care center. They may be more flexable on your hours. You can chose too wether to have them in your home or take your baby to their home. Set up an application process and make sure they have TON of references. If you decide to go the route of having he or she in your home you can always go online and find a hidden camera system you can hide in your house so you can watch whats going on at home while you and your wife are at work. Heres a website that may help
Hope this helps
Good luck!!
About childcare. I worked in that field for years and it is VERY difficult to find part time care that doesn't charge for full time. When your baby is an infant, you should look for a good in-home caregiver. Ask around and go with the one(s) people you trust recommend. Once (s)he is potty trained, First Church Childcare in Berea is a great place. Both of my kids went there and they are VERY flexible with part time care. There staff has been there for ten plus years and it is a very family-like atmosphere. Check it out once (s)he is near potty trained age. (I know that seems like ages away but the time will fly.) PS - I think it is great that you are already planning on being home with the baby when not working. You'll be a great dad!!!
Hey Glenn,
I was an EXTEMELY nervous pregnant person. I was convinced that everything that could go wrong, of course, would. Once I was in there, in labor I worried about nothing except meeting my baby. It all went out the door & seemed comical to me, really. The secret, I'm convinced, is to believe everything will be fine. And, it may sound corny, but visualize you complete, healthy family! Do this relax & enjoy this once in a lifetime experience! You may have more kids but there is only one first! :o) And remember, the movie wouldn't have been as entertaining if she lived. It's Hollywood, not you, Steph :o)
I wish I could help with the daycare. I, too only needed part-time & am leary of daycares anyway (just me being a mom, I guess.) I was lucky enough to get my mom & sis to watch my son. I'm blessed for sure... But I can help you with the picture I think!! Check out radproductions.org
He does absolutely gorgeous work of families, pregmancies, babies, children, weddings, you name it! He photographs my family & we love him. Absolutely check him out! Affordable, beautiful & so unique!!
Best Wishes,
Listener Shellie
Hi Glenn,
I have the perfect sitter for you and she's in Brunswick (right on the Strongsville border, near Bennetts Corner. She watches my son full-time and has great rates! She has three children of her own (2 are in school), and watches my son (13 months) and another little boy (17 months). Please let me know if you would like her information at: jdylm99@yahoo.com. Good Luck!
It's been an experience finding the right childcare, but it's well worth it.
Listener Julie.
Glenn - I have a sister-in-law who lives in Olmsted Falls who does day care in her home. She is the mother of four - triplet girls (age 16) and a boy (age 12). She is wonderful with kids and would be okay with the part-time issue. If you are interested, her number is (440)816-0274.
Definitely have the pics done. The suggestion of doing them yourself is a great idea as well. I did not have pics done, and now wish I would have. This is a once in a lifetime experience and you should capture these precious moments.
The pushing part is always a worry, but I'm sure Steph will be fine. With my first child, I was in labor for 6 hours and with about 3 pushes he was here; my second child I was in labor for 2 1/2 hours and 3-4 pushes later, she arrived!
It'll all work out, it's just the fear of the unknown getting the best of Steph!
Good luck and Congratulations!!
It will be very difficult for you to find a child care center that will accept a part time infant. Here is why: Ohio Department of Job and Family Services requires that each infant in attendance be assigned their own individual crib. Which basically means that when Madalyn is not there, they can't fill her space and are losing potential revenue. I was the Center Director of a child care facility and would take part time infants if we were not full, but I always cautioned parents that when we started to become full, they had the option to go full time or find another provider. Once she turns 18 months it is a lot easier to find part time care in a facility.
Good Luck with your search!
Glenn - my boyfriend, John, is a professional photographer in Wooster, OH. He has a degree from the Art Institute of Pittsburgh in photography. He has his own business, and is more than willing to travel TO YOU to take photos. So he could come to your house to make it more comfortable for your wife.
You can check out his website at www.bertschphotography.com. It will bring up a Yellow Pages page, just click on the "View My Online Portfolio" button to see some of his work.
He takes amazing pictures, and is also fantastic at photoshop and touching up photos. I think he could go a great job for you and Steph.
Hi Glenn -
My boyfriend, Johnathan Bertsch is a professional photographer. He has a degree from the Art Institute in Pittsburgh, PA. He is a travelling photographer, so he is more than willing to come to you to take photos. Photos like this might be more comfortable for Stephanie in your home, and he could do that for you.
You can take a look at his web page www.bertschphotography.com. It will come up as a Yellow Pages page, so just click on the "View My Online Portfolio" link to see some of his work.
John does really nice work for reasonable prices, and he's great with photoshop to crop, edit, and touchup photos as well.
Glenn, You need to come see ME for your newborn and maternity portraits. That is my specialty and my favorite. Check out my site at www.lisasimages.com. Women are very comfortable around me since I've had 3 babies and I'm so used to all the nursing, etc. Plus, I'm a woman (obviously LOL).
Hi Glenn. I agree that Steph should have a photo done. Ryan Durdella Photography is a great place for that.
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