How time flies
In 2 months, our girl is gonna be a year old. If this is how it is, she's gonna turn 18 in another few weeks. She is standing up now, kind of scooting along the coffee table. Still waiting for her to take her first steps, but I know it won't be long. She is the happiest baby I've ever seen. Always smiling, laughing...She makes me feel awesome everytime I'm around her. Let's keep that going Madelyn, OK??
LOL. Thanks for checking out my pics
What a cutie. She's looks just like you. You look like a very proud daddy. They do grow up so fast,don't blink, it could all be over before you know it. Love your show.
I love watching your little lady grow :) She is so precious and its lovely to see how much she means to you!
Great pics Glenn! I listen often and I've been meaning to check out your blog. LOVE IT! Madelyn is GORGEOUS. I feel like I know her from all the stories you share. I love the Santa and Easter bunny photos. But--Hey--next year go to Great Northern Mall--they have THE BEST SANTA EVER--yours is kinda scary looking!
I listen with my daughters (10 and 7) and you are an insipration--we love to make up funny lyrics to popular songs.
sometimes it feels like they are daytime soaps babys one day they are babys and 2 weeks later they are 16 and want a car lol
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