I am at a loss for words right now. I can't effectively communicate all that I'm feeling. I am in such awe of what Steph and I created, and how beautiful she is and how much we adore her. We arrived at Fairview 5:00 in the morning May 7th and she arrived at 5 in the evening
Madelyn Merlot Anderson
7 LBS 8.5 OZ
19 inches long
Born May 7th, 2008 at 5:10 PM
Some have questioned our choice for a middle name. To us, Merlot is just perfect. It has a lot of meaning for us. Wine is simple, just a grape....But once you get to learn about it, you realize how complex it really is. To some, Madelyn is just a baby, but the more Steph and I learn about her, we realize just how much there is to her. Wine matures and grows. Wine changes every day. Wine brings along a passion to anyone who wants to learn about it...Most importantly, wine brings a lot of joy and love and Madelyn is all that to us and more. We couldn't think of a more fitting name
Seeing a baby being born is a rare thing. Seeing yours is indescribable. Thank you each and every one of you who sent cards, e-mails, texts, messages, prayers, and love.
Here's Steph as she goes through one of the painful contractions

Here's the monitor showing the contractions. Each mountain peak shows the contraction

Madelyn is born. Here I am cutting her cord!

They wiped Madelyn off and gave her to us immediately. Here is the first shot of us looking at our daughter

Here I am!

My first time holding Madelyn! Quite scary, but it went great :)

Steph and Madelyn!

My favorite picture so far!!

Glenn, congratulations to both you and Steph. You guys make a beautiful little family.
Hey Glen! She is truly a beautiful baby. I can't get over how much hair she has. She is a cutie!! Congrats to you and Steph! I like her middle name i think it is cute!!!
OMG. She is sooooooooooooo beautiful. You two did a great job. I love the name and how you explained the middle name. Enjoy each and every minute. God bless the bundle of joy
She is sooooo beautiful!!
Congratulations to you and Steph!!
Have fun because it goes by so fast! Our daughter is 17!! I can still remember that 'baby smell'..yummy!!
You have such a beautiful daughter!
Hi Glenn! I know you will hear this a million times...she is absolutely gorgeous! Congratulations to both of you...enjoy your little miracle! I love the name you chose too! Sherry Simon
She is really cute! Not sure who she looks like, but still a very cute, alert little lady!!!
I'm glad that you documented the whole thing....you'll enjoy looking back. And I think the 'Merlot' is perfect for you guys.....everyone has an opinion, but yours and Steph's is all that matters! Congrats again.
What a beautiful baby girl and a beautiful name! congrats to your family!
OMG. She is sooooooooo beautiful. You two did a great job. I love the name and how you explined the middle name. Enjoy every minute. God bless the new bundle of joy
She's beautiful!! Congratulations. It's too late to go back now, so I won't tell you what parenting is really like once they become teenagers!! :)
Hi Glenn! I know you will hear this millions of times...she is just gorgeous!! Congratulations to both you and Stephanie! Enjoy your little miracle! Sherry simon
She is so beautiful! I love the middle name - Merlot! That's so great! She is so gorgeous and your wife looks fantastic after just having a baby! Wow! Congratulations!!!! Gob Bless your family!
Congratulations she is beautiful and I love her full name Madelyn Merlot it is unique and lovely. Congratulations again.
How adorable is she. I think the name is great, I think some people just don't realize the thought and love people put into their childrens names and just think of it only as a name
Congrats to you both! She is a beautiful baby and I think the middle name could not be more fitting! I love your rationale behind coming up with it--so nice! Enjoy her!
Welcome to the world Miss Madelyn Merlot! Your mommy and daddy will take very good care of you and love you unconditionally forever! Treat them well and continue to be the beautiful blessing that you truly are!
Steph, you should be very proud of yourself and Glen, I'm sure you were a great coach! Enjoy every minute of your beautiful new family!
Congrats and God's Blessings to all of you!
congratulations on the arrival of your beautiful baby girl.
Welcome to the world baby Madelyn
Mandy xxx
You have been blessed!
She is gorgeous and lots of pretty hair!! Steph must have had some wicked heartburn! Congratulations!
My daughter, Madeline and I wish you all the best.
Her name is lovely, and she will appreciate the symbolism as she gets older.
She is beautiful and so alert.
Glenn and Steph
Again thank you both for sharing such a personal journey with all of us.. Your daughter is beautiful and the middle name has a touching meaning. Congrats to you both enjoy every moment as they pass quickly!!!
Hi Glen! I want to wish you and Stephanie all the best. Madelyn is beautiful. I'm a mom of 2 girls and the day they were born are days I cannot say enough about. Congratulations!!! You will never forget this moment.
Congratulations to all of you. Watching the birth of your child is such an incredible experience. Welcome, Baby Madelyn!
Omgosh!! She is such a beautiful baby. Congratulations to both of you. I am truley happy for your family.
Congrats! She is adorable with an equally adorable name! Enjoy every moment! A couple of tips: Take lots of pictures, they grow and change right before your eyes. Take a picture the 7th of every month to document her first year. Video tape her baby cry, the sound of her cry will change too. Sleep when she does. Just look at her and take it all in.
God Bless your Family with health and happiness!
Congrats!!! She is adorable
Congratulations! She is beautiful. Wishing you much joy to come with your new little family!
Congratulations Glenn and Steph,
You both have been so openly excited and a little anxious, I feel like I know you! I'm a mother of five boys in Medina, all boys but all so different! Likes, dislikes, passions, personality, it's so fun and I'm sure you'll be terrific parents and love the, learning as you go, aspect of parenting!
Have a great HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!
Congratulations to you and Steph! I love the name you chose- my daughter is a Madelyn as well, and the middle name is perfect! All that matters is what it means to you and Steph and that you like it. Enjoy every minute of your little girl because it will go by so fast (my Madelyn will be 8 this week!). You have a beautiful daughter and you are a beautiful family!
Happy 1st Mother's Day!!! She is beautiful. Thanks for sharing this special moment with us...by the way, Merlot is a beautiful name. Very personal. Best of luck to your family. Enjoy!!!
There is nothing better in the world. I had a daughter Madeline on April 14th at fairview. It doesn't matter what you name your child, as long as she is loved. What a wonderful contribution to the world!! GOD BLESS
She is simply adorable! She has a ton of hair like our daughter did (who is 16 and driving now!). They grow up so fast, enjoy every moment of her while she's little because once they become teenagers, it's a whole different story!:)
Wow, she is so beautiful and precious!! Congrats to the two of you!! Many blessings to your family with health and prosperity. :-)
Glen - What a beautiful daughter you and Steph have. Congratulations to the both of you. What a beautiful family you make. Thanks for sharing the past nine months with all your radio friends. PS - her name is just beautiful!!! God Bless
Nina Said...
Glenn and Steph congratulations you
two seem like such great people and
I could just see that your going to
be the BEST PARENTS. I love that sweet little baby name. God Bless
all 3 Of you.
PS. Great video
Congratulations! She is so beautiful!
Ohhhhh, she is so beautiful! Congratulations. LOVE the name!
Look at all that hair!! She's gorgeous! Congratulations!! I loved the video and pictures, and I love her name! Enjoy her to the fullest! :-)
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