So, right around May 19th or so, Steph and I will give birth to little Madelyn. We are pretty pumped up, but have also been experiencing some things that we are looking for some help with. If you have the answers to any of the questions below, feel free to post a comment. We read all the comments, suggestions, and opinions. I appreciate it and so does my wife
Steph has been really uncomfortable with back pain. Every time we are sitting, she can't seem to get comfortable. Any tips?
Steph hasn't had any cravings either. Is this normal? When do they kick in? What are your cravings?
And probably the most important one....Steph severly dislikes being pregnant. We both hear how moms love being pregnant....How it feels so great knowing you have a living person inside you. Will these negative feelings change anytime soon? We both are very blessed being given the opportunity to be parents, but she's having trouble with this part of the journey. Do the happy feelings come after the baby is born? Is there anything I can do to make things better for her? Have you experienced this???
Thanks for all the help!!