So, right around May 19th or so, Steph and I will give birth to little Madelyn. We are pretty pumped up, but have also been experiencing some things that we are looking for some help with. If you have the answers to any of the questions below, feel free to post a comment. We read all the comments, suggestions, and opinions. I appreciate it and so does my wife
Steph has been really uncomfortable with back pain. Every time we are sitting, she can't seem to get comfortable. Any tips?
Steph hasn't had any cravings either. Is this normal? When do they kick in? What are your cravings?
And probably the most important one....Steph severly dislikes being pregnant. We both hear how moms love being pregnant....How it feels so great knowing you have a living person inside you. Will these negative feelings change anytime soon? We both are very blessed being given the opportunity to be parents, but she's having trouble with this part of the journey. Do the happy feelings come after the baby is born? Is there anything I can do to make things better for her? Have you experienced this???
Thanks for all the help!!
being pregnant, your body changes, and those changes can be very difficult, challenging, etc. Making the pregnancy not fun, but once your little girl is born, you and Steph will be the two happiest people on the planet! So, don't worry if Steph isn't enjoying certain aspects of her pregnancy...try focusing on the positives, you are decorating the room, make sure to have lots of fun registering! Spend some time catching up on childrens songs, books and stories..But most importantly, before the baby comes, spend time together! Go out to dinner, have a few more date nights!! Glen..you better be spoiling Steph right now!! Get her a gift cert. for a pregnancy massage!
I just had a baby six months ago and I remember everything Steph is going through vividly. Unfortunately, I was unable to relieve my back pain. It was just something I had to get used to. Sometimes a pillow in the small of my back while sitting helped some, but not always. A body pillow at night helps too. I never had any big cravings either. Greasy foods helped settle my stomach though. : ) Steph is experiencing all sorts of aches, pains and general discomforts on a daily basis that she is not used to. A lot of expectant moms feel a sense of guilt over not enjoying being pregnant, but they shouldn't. It's a huge adjustment that you really can't adjust to because her body changes constantly. Focus of the things that excite the both of you. Spend time together talking to Madelyn and feeling her move inside Steph. Have fun with her nursery and regsitering. Most of all, look forward to the beautiful little girl that you will hold in a few short months and enjoy this time together before things get hectic. Just be supportive of her and help find things to like about being pregnant. Tell her she's beautiful. By the way, my daughter's name is Madilyn too! Good choice!
Wow i didn't realise that you knew the baby was a little girl.. congrats! You need to take Steph for a pregnancy massage Glenn! Check out the web site for the salon i work in.. our massage therapist is Marlana and she totally rocks! http://www.finebella.com
Be a good hubby and bring her on in! When you call tell them i sent you and maybe you'll get a discount ok?
Hey Glenn! I too am pregnant right now and due a few weeks before Steph...May 3...I too am having the same feelings about being pregnant. I am pretty miserable and now have recently be diagnosed with Gestational Diatbetes...yuck! Can't believe they are telling a pregnant woman she can't have sugar! What!? I don't really have much advise, but do spend a lot of time with her and make her feel special! My husband usually massages my back at night before bed and my feet and that is just wonderful. Good luck! You two will be great parents! OH, I had a pregnancy massage at Spa West and it was WONDERFUL!!! Highly recommend!
I think she should try chiropractic. I work for a chiropractor and we have helped lots of pregnant women. Dr. Starek is in Strongsville. I used to work with him and he is great. Hope this helps. Congratulations.
you have to invest in the body pillow..............it works wonders! i had one throughout my pregnancy; i refered to it as my "boyfriend". i loved the way it contoured my body. i never got weird cravings either. i do suggest getting enough rest. it's the one thing i regret not doing.
I loved being pregnant, but I absolutely hated the way my body looked. It seemed so huge! And the longer it went, the more uncomfortable I felt. Plus it didn't help that just about everyone I knew was telling me how big I was and that I wouldn't make it to my due date. My first son was 5 weeks premature so that preyed on another fear of mine, that #2 would follow suit. Tell Steph how beautiful she is and how great she looks. Try to compliment her every day. I know it was a huge boost for me to hear my husband tell me how nice I looked. Pregnancy really is worth it. I have 2 beautiful boys and they are just awesome. I didn't really have any cravings with either boy, except with #1 son I wanted a hot dog one day and I hate hot dogs! I think it's funny now that if he has his way he'd have a hot dog every day. With #2 son, no real cravings, but I really had a taste for sweets. I second going to a chiropractor. It really does help your back and hips feel better.
I am pregnant with my second baby. I second going to see a chiropracter. I did during my first pregnancy, actually because my son was breech and Dr. Yan (Westlake) was trained in the Webster Technique and it helped get my son into the proper birthing position so I did not have to have a c-section. Regardless of the reason I went, I notice that my back/hip pain was so much better after I started weekly appointments with her. I would often get sciatic nerve pain too and the chiropratic care really helped with that too. Being pregnant changes your body and puts a lot of pressure on your back. It is okay to do things to ease the pain.
Another thing that helped me was sitting on one of those exercise balls. Something about them helps releive the pressure in your hips & lower back. I sit on it in the evening while watching tv and I am much more comfortable.
Not every woman enjoys being pregnant. Even if it is a relatively "easy" pregnancy there are so many things changing physically, mentally & emoitionally that it is not always enjoyable. She is having normal feelings and there is nothing wrong with them! She may not ever have those joyous feelings this pregancy. But that does not mean if she gets pregnant in the future she will feel the same way. Each pregnancy is different.
Lots of luck to you both.
Hey Glenn (and Steph)...I am due with my first on May 18th, so I'm right on track with you guys. I haven't had any cravings -- a few random things here and there, but nothing compelling or constant. I also (around the time this was posted) was trying to figure out why women love being pregnant, because I wasn't loving it. A friend of mine suggested that it's because the baby is still contained, and the woman doesn't have to worry about feeding, changing, bathing, etc. on a schedule. It made sense to me. I got more excited after a week and began enjoying being pregnant again, but this week...not so much. Good luck to all!
Oh, and on the back pain -- if it's on the left side, have her try sleeping on her right side (and vice-versa). Also, when she's laying on her side, have her straighten (not bend) whichever leg is on top of the other. My husband's chiropractor recommended this to him, and it's worked for me!
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